This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Pray for the physical health of our faith family, for the protection of those who are most at risk, and for God to work His healing power in our world. Pray for healthcare workers and others serving on the frontlines to treat and stop this virus. Ask for God’s comfort and provision for all those facing financial hardship. Pray for our teachers, students, and parents as they adapt to a new means of education. Ask God to develop community through unique avenues among our faith family, especially for those who are living alone. Pray for God to help us all make the most of opportunities we have to minister to and share the gospel with our neighbors during this time.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Oak Tree Ministries as they continue to serve their neighbors in Marks Village in unique and needed ways during the COVID-19 crisis. Oak Tree labors alongside the families of the Marks Village Housing Community to fulfill God’s promise to raise up for Himself “oak trees of righteousness” for the display of His splendor. Oak Tree Ministries seeks to pave the way for children, teens, and adults in Marks Village to be reconciled to God and to others. We are also praying for The Church at Liberty Park and Pastor Randy Overstreet.
Day 1: Pray for Oak Tree staff to have wisdom in responding to new needs and to steward their resources with justice and righteousness. Pray for continued generosity from their supporters to sustain the work God sets before them.
Day 2: Pray for Oak Tree to see how God wants to maximize this situation for His Glory and the good of their neighbors. Pray they will have more moments to connect with families, solve problems together, share the gospel, and reflect on the constant faithfulness of God in this time of constant change.
Day 3: Pray for this to be a time of great growth for the ministry and community. Many of the children in Marks Village are already behind grade level, and this time away from school will likely set them farther behind. Pray especially for the families who are not able to tutor their children during the break or do not have access to technology for online learning.
Day 4: Pray for protection, provision, and peace for the elderly in the community and for Oak Tree to know about every opportunity to serve them.
Day 5: Pray for parents who cannot go to work during this crisis. Pray for provision for their families and for Oak Tree to know how to best partner with them to get through this difficult season.
Day 6: Pray for children and adults who have lost the safety of school or work and are confined to unsafe households. Pray for protection and peace where there is abuse, neglect, depression, or addiction.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Chris and Joanna and their two girls in Southeast Asia. Chris and Joanna live in a major city and are currently ‘sheltering in place’ to avoid exposure to COVID-19. The virus is rapidly spreading in their country and community. Many people are still going to the mosques and hanging out in their communities as normal. Culture there is the definition of communal and there is literally not enough space for adequate “social distancing”. For those reasons they are expecting and preparing for things to get much worse there quickly.
Day 1: Pray for God to provide everything Chris and Joanna need while they are isolated at home. Pray for their minds to be set on Christ and for peace in these uncertain days.
Day 2: Chris and Joanna are going about their normal routine at home during these next few weeks and are trying to keep their children from going stir crazy. Pray for Chris and Joanna as they care for their girls and set new rhythms as a family during this season.
Day 3: Chris operates an organization that serves vulnerable communities who are poor and specifically who have health conditions that put them at higher risk to COVID-19. Pray for Chris and his team of national partners as they serve the needs of people in their community. Pray for safety and protection, but most of all pray that many will hear and receive the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Day 4: The vast majority of the several hundred million people living in Chris and Joanna’s country are walking in darkness and have no hope or assurance of salvation. Pray for many to hear the gospel during this time and for their hearts to be drawn to Christ.
Day 5: Pray for Chris and Joanna as they encourage the church and the group of national believers they work with. Pray for them to focus on the spread of the gospel and to not let fear of the unknown dictate their action. Pray for their lives to reflect Christ and all He means to them.
Day 6: Pray for the organization that Chris operates. Pray for God to provide resources that are needed to help the most vulnerable during this COVID-19 season.
Sunday Setlist