This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for making Himself known to us through His Word. Ask the Father to help us delight in His love and to trust His compassionate care. Pray for Jesus' promised return. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide our steps as we follow after Christ, and to empower us for ministry and mission in this world. Pray for God to grow our knowledge and understanding of Him and to make us bold as we share His goodness and gospel with others.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Biblical Marriage Institute (BMI), a ministry dedicated to training and equipping the church to model, teach, and advance biblical marriage in Birmingham and throughout the world. Biblical Marriage Institute was started by former Brook Hills members, Alonza and Vanessa Jones. We are also praying for Sixth Avenue Baptist Church and Pastor John Cantelow.
Day 1: Pray for continued wisdom for Alonza and Vanessa, the board of directors, and the staff as they lead BMI in its efforts to prevent marital and family breakdown through biblical education and mentoring.
Day 2: Pray for all of the young couples that are being mentored through Biblical Marriage Institute and discovering God’s plan for marriage. Pray that the Lord would continue to bind them together and bless their marriages.
Day 3: Pray for all of the teenagers that will be taking the BMI marriage course this fall. Pray for God to open their eyes to the wisdom of the Lord and that they would have a deeper understanding of biblical marriage.
Day 4: Pray that more people will hear the gospel of Jesus Christ through BMI and commit their lives to Him! Pray that the couples coming through BMI would not only themselves be believers, but would lead their families to know and worship the Lord.
Day 5: Pray for healing for couples everywhere that are struggling in their marriages. Pray for the children who are watching and being negatively affected.
Day 6: Pray for God’s truth about marriage to outshine the world’s divisive strategies. Pray for the Lord to be glorified and magnified through the work BMI is doing to strengthen marriages.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Brook Hills Long-Termers Caleb and Beth T. serving in Southeast Asia. Caleb and Beth were sent out by Brook Hills to join strategic church planting work among least reached people groups in Southeast Asia. Currently they are part of a team where they are being immersed in language and culture in order to engage and share the gospel effectively in their city so that many might know Christ and healthy multiplying churches can be established. Join us this week as we pray for Caleb and Beth and their family.
Day 1: Praise God for calling Caleb and Beth to Southeast Asia. Pray for God to use their family to make Himself known in the lives of men and women living in their city.
Day 2: Caleb and Beth just returned to Southeast Asia after being in the states for a season. Pray for their family as they move into a new house and establish healthy routines.
Day 3: Beth is currently working to establish a medical consulting business and hopes to have it fully operational in the coming months. Pray for God’s mercy as she navigates details and establishes the foundations for this company.
Day 4: Caleb has made connections with several local guys. Pray for God to continue to deepen these friendships for mutual encouragement. Pray for God to open doors for these men to be receptive to the gospel.
Day 5: Pray for Caleb and Beth’s family to love Christ more deeply and abide in Him daily, depending on His strength and joy.
Day 6: Pray for God to raise up men from their people group that would believe and become leaders within their church. Pray for the church to be established and grow so many others might hear of Christ and see His love on display.
Sunday Setlist