This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for this season of Advent when we can remember, reflect upon, and look forward to celebrating Jesus’ first coming. Ask Him to help us avoid too many distractions over the next few weeks so we might focus our hearts and minds on Him. Pray for opportunities to share with others around us the joy we have in Christ. Pray for many to repent and believe the good news this holiday season.
Pray for the City
This week, we are praying for The WellHouse, a local Christian ministry extending God’s grace to adult victims of human trafficking. The WellHouse is celebrating ten years of providing opportunities for restoration to hurting women. From first contact on the crisis call, to time together after being rescued, The WellHouse employs a multidisciplinary approach to recovery as they address all areas of need in a safe environment where trust and faith begin to grow. We’re also praying this week for Mountaintop Community Church and Pastor Carter McInnis.
Day 1: Pray for the women and children still trapped by human trafficking. Pray for their safety, escape, and restoration.
Day 2: Pray for The Wellhouse staff as they continue to work for justice and healing for the survivors. Pray for the volunteers who serve alongside the staff to serve the survivors well and show them the love of Christ.
Day 3: Pray for wisdom and strength for the staff team and board members as they work to open Wellhouse Child. Pray for children to find rest and safety within the walls of Wellhouse Child.
Day 4: Pray for the women and children that will come through The Wellhouse this year. Pray that they can overcome the trauma of their past through the miraculous power of God.
Day 5: Pray for all of the rescued women. Pray that each woman would put her faith in Jesus as the ultimate healer and rescuer.
Day 6: Pray for the women and children that have trusted in Jesus to stand firm in their faith. Pray that they will never suffer sexual exploitation again.
Pray for the World
This week begins our month-long celebration of all God has accomplished through the Global Offering. The Global Offering is an opportunity for us as a church to give above our regular tithes so we can wholeheartedly engage the nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Global Offering allows us to send and sustain Brook Hills teams and missionaries, and also participate with partners working among peoples and places around the world without access to the gospel. This week specifically we want to pray for all of our long-term and mid-term missionaries that are serving around the world. To give to the Global Offering, visit
Day 1: Praise God for the blessing that is the Global Offering and for how it allows our faith family to generously support the long-term and mid-term missionaries that have been sent out from Brook Hills to serve among least-reached peoples and places around the world this year.
Day 2: Pray specifically for our long-term missionaries as they deeply engage in gospel relationships with men and women who have never heard of Christ. Pray that the gospel would be clear as they share and show the love of Christ.
Day 3: Pray for God to use the resources we give to the Global Offering this year to sustain our existing long-term missionaries in the places where they live and to help us send out new long-term missionaries in 2022 to the field.
Day 4: Pray for the men and women who are hearing the gospel from our long-term missionaries. Pray that God would open their eyes to their need for a Savior and lead them to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.
Day 5: Praise God for using our long-term and mid-term missionaries to bring many to Christ this year. Pray for the church to nurture these new believers as they grow in their faith and knowledge of Christ.
Day 6: Pray for God to be glorified through our giving to the Global Offering this year.