This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for His word and His grace. Thank Him for the community of fellow believers with which we are surrounded. Pray for opportunities to share Christ with unbelievers, and for boldness when those moments arise. Pray for us to be a people marked by our love for others, who seek to serve and encourage, and who never tire of sharing the good news. Pray for strength of soul when hardships arise, and that we would always place our hope in the Lord and not in the things of this world. Pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ to have the strength, peace, hope, and joy that only comes from the Lord.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Oliver Elementary School and the many avenues of ministry through which Brook Hills members, along with others from the community, will be investing in the lives of Oliver students, families, and staff throughout the 2016-17 school year. We are also praying for Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church and Pastor Bob Flayhart.
DAY 1: Praise God for favor with the administrators and staff at Oliver Elementary School which has opened the door for Brook Hills members to build meaningful relationships with Oliver students and families. Pray for God’s continued grace as we glorify Him by making disciples at Oliver.
DAY 2: Pray for the Love Oliver initiative to serve its purpose to support and empower Oliver families by coming alongside them in Jesus’ name to love, serve, empower, and point them to Christ.
DAY 3: Pray for the children who will participate in one of the many mentorship opportunities at Oliver this year. Pray that they will form bonds of trust with their mentors quickly and will experience the love of Christ through them.
DAY 4: Pray for the teachers who are influencing and educating Oliver students on a daily basis and for the volunteers supporting them in their classrooms. Pray for them to be wise and compassionate as they model a life of integrity for their students.
DAY 5: Pray for peace in the community of Gate City, specifically in the neighborhood of Oak Ridge Park where Oliver is located and Marks Village. Pray for God’s people to become beacons of light and hope.
DAY 6: Pray for the Brook Hills members serving at Oliver to live a life worthy of the calling they have received and to not grow weary in doing good. Pray for a great harvest and volunteers to show and share the gospel!
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Brook Hills Member Organization leader Dan Moran at Dan Moran Ministries. Join us this week as we pray for Dan and others in the organization working for the spread of the gospel both here locally in Birmingham and around the world.
DAY 1: Pray for God to give Dan the wisdom and strength to lead his ministry well into the future. Pray for Dan to discern what the Lord has laid before him to continue to make the gospel known to people who have never heard.
DAY 2: Praise God for the fruitful summer Dan Moran Ministries has had. Pray for the investment Short-Term teams made this summer to make a Long-Term impact in the ministry of the churches with whom they serve.
DAY 3: Dan and his team were able to serve a local church in Honduras by bringing 3 Short-Term teams to serve alongside them. The gospel was shared in the community through multiple opportunities. Pray for those that heard to believe and for the church in Honduras to grow and multiply as a result.
DAY 4: Pray for the churches here in the states who went with Dan this summer to be impacted by their Short-term trips. Pray for God to mobilize these local bodies for the sake of the nations and to give them a vision for how He intends their faith family to participate.
DAY 5: Dan and a team from the states were able to serve in Indonesia this summer training local pastors and seminary students. Praise God for this opportunity. Pray for these brothers and sisters to be hungry for God’s word and bold in their witness as they care for and lead
their community.
DAY 6: Pray for Dan as he continues to serve in a transitional pastorate role at First Baptist Church Fairburn, Ga. Pray for God to sustain him as he serves there and for wisdom as he leads this congregation in the process of calling a new pastor.
Sunday Setlist
God Is Able
Verse 1
God is able
He will never fail
He is Almighty God
Greater than all we seek
Greater than all we ask
He has done great things
Lifted up He defeated the grave
Raised to life our God is able
In His Name we overcome
For the Lord our God is able
Verse 2
God is with us
God is on our side
He will make a way
Far above all we know
Far above all we hope
He has done great things
God is with us
He will go before
He will never leave us
He will never leave us
God is for us
He has open arms
He will never fail us
He will never fail us
The Lion and the Lamb
Verse 1
He's coming on the clouds
Kings and kingdoms will bow down
And every chain will break
As broken hearts declare His praise
For who can stop the Lord almighty
Our God is the Lion
The Lion of Judah
He's roaring with power
And fighting our battles
And every knee will bow before Him
Our God is the Lamb
The Lamb that was slain
For the sin of the world
His blood breaks the chains
And every knee will bow before the Lion and the Lamb
Oh every knee will bow before the Lion and the Lamb
Verse 2
So open up the gates
Make way before the King of kings
Our God who comes to save
Is here to set the captives free
For who can stop the Lord almighty
Who can stop the Lord almighty
Who can stop the Lord (almighty)
Man Of Sorrows
Man of sorrows Lamb of God
By His own betrayed
The sin of man and wrath of God
Has been on Jesus laid
Oh that rugged cross my salvation
Where Your love poured out over me
Now my soul cries out hallelujah
Praise and honour unto Thee
Silent as He stood accused
Beaten mocked and scorned
Bowing to the Father's will
He took a crown of thorns
Oh that rugged cross my salvation
Where Your love poured out over me
Now my soul cries out hallelujah
Praise and honour unto Thee
Sent of heaven God's own Son
To purchase and redeem
And reconcile the very ones
Who nailed Him to that tree
Now my debt is paid
It is paid in full
By the precious blood
That my Jesus spilled
Now the curse of sin
Has no hold on me
Whom the Son sets free
Oh is free indeed
See the stone is rolled away
Behold the empty tomb
Hallelujah God be praised
He's risen from the grave
Praise the King
Verse 1
There's a reason why the curse of sin is broken
There's a reason why the darkness runs from light
There's a reason why we stand here now forgiven
Jesus is alive
Verse 2
There’s a reason why we are not overtaken
There’s a reason why we sing on through the night
There’s a reason why our hope remains eternal
Jesus is alive
Praise the King He is risen
Praise the King He's alive (yeah)
Praise the King death's defeated
Hallelujah He's alive (oh)
(Hallelujah He's alive)
Verse 3
There's a reason why our hearts can be courageous
There's a reason why the dead are made alive
There's a reason why we share His resurrection
Jesus is alive (oh He's alive)
The grave could not ignore it
When all of heaven's roaring
Hell where is your victory
Death where is your sting
The world could not ignore it
When all the saints are roaring
Hell where is your victory
Death where is your sting
Hallelujah He’s alive (oh)
Hallelujah He’s alive (oh)
Hallelujah He’s alive
Saviour King
Verse 1
Let now the weak say I have strength
By the Spirit of pow'r
That raised Christ from the dead
Let now the poor stand and confess
That my portion is Him
And I'm more than blessed
Let now our hearts burn with a flame
A fire consuming all for Your Son's holy Name
And with the heavens we declare
You are our King
Chorus 1
We love You Lord
We worship You
You are our God You alone are good
Verse 2
Let now Your church shine as the bride
That You saw in Your heart
As You offered up Your life
And now the lost be welcomed home
By the saved and redeemed
Those adopted as Your own
Chorus 2
You asked Your Son to carry this
The heavy cross
Our weight of sin
Chorus 3
I love You Lord
I worship You
Hope which was lost now stands renewed
Chorus 4
I give my life to honour this
The love of Christ
The Saviour King
Let now our hearts burn with a flame
A fire consuming all for Your Son's holy Name
And with the heavens we declare
You are our King

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