This Week
Daily Readings
March 27, 2016
Bible Reading Plans
Bible Reading Plans (available for download below)
- Beginning to End - A one-year plan that takes you through the Bible in order from Genesis-Revelation.
- Chronological - A one-year plan that takes you through the Bible in chronological order.
- Two-Year - A plan that takes you through the Bible over the span of two years, reading the New Testament and Psalms twice and the rest of the Old Testament once. (This plan has an accompanying devotional titled For the Love of God by D.A. Carson.)
Additional Bible reading plans are available at &
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross, which made the way for us to be reconciled to Him. Confess and repent of your own sin in your life, and ask and thank God for His forgiveness. Praise Him for Jesus’ resurrection, which demonstrates His power over sin and death. Thank God for the faith He grants us through His grace so we might be saved from our sins. Ask God to sustain us all to the day of Jesus’ return. In the mean time, pray for the role you have to play in accomplishing God’s mission of making disciples of all nations.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for our six focus areas for local outreach: ministry to the impoverished, the fatherless, widows, prisoners, internationals, and children. Join us as we pray for our city and ask the Lord of the Harvest to send more laborers into these specific fields. For more information on these efforts, visit or stop by the Local Missions kiosk in the lobby.
Day 1: The Impoverished: Pray for those within our community who are living in situational or generational poverty. Ask God to deliver them from unbearable circumstances and sustain them during times of need. Pray that we would joyfully offer ourselves as ministers of reconciliation.
Day 2: The Fatherless: Pray that God would place the orphans in our city into loving Christian families where their spiritual, physical, and emotional needs can be met. Pray that the Church would lead the way in caring for the fatherless.
Day 3: Widows: Ask the Spirit to comfort widows in their distress and sustain them through trying circumstances. Pray that we would be quick to care for the widows in our own families, church, and community.
Day 4: Prisoners: Pray that the men and women in local jails and prisons who do not yet know Christ would encounter Him and receive His love. Pray that those who identify with Christ would be salt and light in their facilities.
Day 5: Sojourners: Pray for the internationals who have moved into our city and for the students, scholars, and sojourners who are staying here short-term. Pray that Christians would welcome them into their lives and share the Good News with any who have not yet heard.
Day 6: Children: Pray that the children in our city would love God’s Word, grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and pursue God’s good plans and purposes for their lives.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for our Brook Hills Students who are serving on Short-Term trips to the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. Each team of students will be participating with field partners in each of these countries to engage local communities with the gospel. Their main goals are to strengthen the Long-Term disciple-making work of our partners by serving in a variety of ways. Join us this week as our students serve and make disciples in Central America.
Day 1: Praise God for this generation of students He has given The Church at Brook Hills. Praise God for the way our students are seeking after Him and desire to make disciples among all nations.
Day 2: Pray for wisdom and strength for our adult leaders as they care for each of the teams entrusted to them.
Day 3: Pray for God to give our students many opportunities for gospel conversations with those they meet. Pray for people to be saved.
Day 4: Pray for God to use these two Short-Term trips to expose our students to different cultures and needs around the world. Pray for God to use these trips to develop within our students a biblical worldview and desire to go Mid-Term and Long-Term.
Day 5: Pray for our students to enjoy their time serving with one another. Pray for their time together to strengthen our student ministry and build unity.
Day 6: Pray for God to be glorified through our Brook Hills students this week. Pray for our church to be challenged by the lives of our students when they return.
Sunday Setlist
Shout Hosanna
Verse 1
To the King of glory and light all praises
To the only Giver of life our Maker
The gates are open wide we worship You
Verse 2
Come see what love has done amazing
He bought us with His blood our Savior
The cross has overcome we worship You
Chorus 1
Shout hosanna Jesus He saves
Shout hosanna He rose from the grave
Come and lift Him up hosanna
Verse 3
Now let the lost be found forgiven
Death could not hold Him down He's risen
So let the saints cry out we worship You
The same power that rolled the stone away
The same power alive in us today
King Jesus we call upon Your name no other name
(Come and lift Him up) Hosanna
(Come and lift Him up) Hosanna
(Come and lift Him up) Hosanna
Forever (We Sing Hallelujah)
Verse 1
The moon and stars they wept
The morning sun was dead
The Savior of the world was fallen
His body on the cross
His blood poured out for us
The weight of every curse upon Him
Verse 2
One final breath He gave
As heaven looked away
The Son of God was laid in darkness
A battle in the grave
The war on death was waged
The power of hell forever broken
The ground began to shake
The stone was rolled away
His perfect love could not be overcome
Now death where is your sting
Our resurrected King has rendered you defeated
Now forever He is glorified
Forever He is lifted high
And forever He is risen
He is alive and He is alive
We sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah
We sing hallelujah the Lamb has overcome
Beneath the Waters (I Will Rise)
Verse 1
This is my revelation
Christ Jesus crucified
Salvation through repentance
At the cross on which He died
Verse 2
Now here my absolution
Forgiveness for my sin
And I sink beneath the waters
That Christ was buried in
Chorus 1
I will rise
I will rise
As Christ was raised to life
Now in Him
Now in Him I live
Verse 3
I stand a new creation
Baptised in blood and fire
No fear of condemnation
By faith I'm justified
I rise as You are risen
Declare Your rule and reign
My life confess Your Lordship
And glorify Your Name
Your word it stands eternal
Your kingdom knows no end
Your praise goes on forever
And on and on again
No pow'r can stand against You
No curse assault Your throne
No one can steal Your glory
For it is Yours alone
I stand to sing Your praises
I stand to testify
For I was dead in my sin
Chorus 2
But now I rise
I will rise
As Christ was raised to life
Now in Him
Now in Him I live
Man of Sorrows (Hallelujah! He Has Saved Me)
Man of Sorrows! what a name
For the Son of God, who came
Ruined sinners to reclaim.
Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Guilty, vile, and helpless we
Spotless Lamb of God was He
“Full atonement!” can it be
Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Hallelujah, He has saved me
Sin and death shall reign no more
Christ has made a way for sinners
Hallelujah, what a Savior
Lifted up was He to die
“It is finished!” was His cry
Now in heav’n exalted high
Hallelujah! What a Savior!
When He comes, our glorious King
All His ransomed home to bring
Then anew His song we’ll sing
Hallelujah! What a Savior!

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