This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for inviting us to pray to Him and for listening and responding to our prayers. Ask God to draw us all into deeper fellowship with Him throughout our 10 Days of Prayer. Pray for us all to focus our hearts and minds on seeking God’s will in all aspects of our lives.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for reconciliation and unity in the body of Christ, especially in Birmingham, for the sake of effectively proclaiming and portraying the power of the gospel together. We are particularly praying that we will be instruments in the Redeemer’s hand, pursuing unity in the Church as He reconciles all things in Christ (Colossians 1:19-20; Ephesians 2:14-16). We’re also praying this week for Greater Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church and Pastor Michael Wesley.
Day 1: Pray for all of our members to reflect the love of Christ across all ethnic, racial, socio-economic, and man-made barriers in our city. Pray especially for those intentionally serving alongside our city partners, such as Oak Tree Ministries and Oliver Elementary School, to be aware of the painful experiences of others while pursuing peace in our city through gospel-centered relationships.
Day 2: Pray for all believers across Birmingham to pursue unity with believers of other ethnicities, showing love, grace, forgiveness, compassion, and humility in a way that displays Christ’s character to the entire city.
Day 3: Pray for God to make us aware of any of our sins, prejudices, biases, ignorance, ethnocentric attitudes, or apathy that is keeping us from displaying the power of the gospel through the unity of His Body.
Day 4: Pray for all evangelical church leaders in Birmingham to reflect the unity of the Spirit by initiating partnerships and friendships with one another and displaying, demonstrating, and declaring the gospel across our city.
Day 5: Pray for the Spirit to lead Christians of all ethnicities to walk in forgiveness toward one another, extending grace to those who have caused division or have acted unjustly intentionally, or unintentionally.
Day 6: Pray for evangelical church leaders across the city to be willing to mobilize their people to make disciples in lower-income urban areas and among ethnicities that are isolated from the Church.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Brook Hills Mid-Termer, Hannah, who is serving in the Middle East. Hannah is serving for two years with a long-term team helping to mobilize the local church among the least reached. We are also praying for the short-term team serving in the Desert City this week.
Day 1: Hannah is teaching English and has a few students she sees on a weekly basis. This setting is presenting the most opportunity for her to build gospel relationships. Pray for God to soften the hearts of her students to Christ and open their eyes to their need for a Savior.
Day 2: Hannah is helping lead a small youth group at a local church. They are praying for God to strengthen and grow this little group. Pray for God to grow the number of students that are attending, and for many opportunities to lead these students to a deeper knowledge of Christ.
Day 3: One of the main responsibilities Hannah has is to help establish a small shop within an impoverished village to serve the community. She is working hard to get this established. Pray for God to provide for every detail and give Hannah endurance and wisdom as she builds out the shop to serve the community well.
Day 4: Hannah has been sharing the gospel with three people who are seriously counting the cost and considering Christ. Pray for Nadia, Mariam, and Ahmed. Pray for God to move them to repentance and faith.
Day 5: Sometimes it is hard to develop good relationships with people and Hannah has been feeling the weight of this lately. Pray for God to provide new and fruitful relationships. Pray for Hannah to be faithful in this season.
Day 6: Pray for Hannah to abide in Christ and trust His Word daily. Pray for God to strengthen Hannah and encourage her through the local community of believers.
Sunday Setlist