Registration is open for Brook Hills members to join our 2022 coed softball team for young adults (singles and young marrieds) at Brook Hills!

The season opens May 26 and will run through end of July (or early August depending on playoffs and how many games get rained out during the summer). Games are Thursday nights at Hoover East's baseball fields, and the cost is $30, which includes shirt, umpire fees, and league registration fee.

We're trying to gauge whether we'll have one team or two teams, so go ahead and sign up to let us know if you're playing!

Click here to register to play.

If you have any questions about softball registration, please contact Ashley Chesnut at

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7790


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Registration is open for Brook Hills members to join our 2022 coed softball team for young adults (singles and young marrieds) at Brook Hills!

The season opens May 26 and will run through end of July (or early August depending on playoffs and how many games get rained out during the summer). Games are Thursday nights at Hoover East\'s baseball fields, and the cost is $30, which includes shirt, umpire fees, and league registration fee.

We\'re trying to gauge whether we\'ll have one team or two teams, so go ahead and sign up to let us know if you\'re playing!

Click here to register to play.

If you have any questions about softball registration, please contact Ashley Chesnut at

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