Not in a Small Group yet? Looking for others in the same season of life?

Come check out our Singles 20s/30s Community Group, which will kick off on January 9 and run through May 22! This semester, they'll be studying 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus. This group begins with a large group time then moves into table discussion time led by members of our Community Group Leadership Team, which include Adam Allen, April Flynn, Connor Halbrooks, Hannah Duncan, and John Mark Norton.

Each week, you'll have the opportunity to get to know people in a similar life stage as you spend time talking about various topics and how to approach them from a biblical perspective. 

Sign up below to get more group information.

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7790
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Not in a Small Group yet? Looking for others in the same season of life?

Come check out our Singles 20s/30s Community Group, which will kick off on January 9 and run through May 22! This semester, they\'ll be studying 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus. This group begins with a large group time then moves into table discussion time led by members of our Community Group Leadership Team, which include Adam Allen, April Flynn, Connor Halbrooks, Hannah Duncan, and John Mark Norton.

Each week, you\'ll have the opportunity to get to know people in a similar life stage as you spend time talking about various topics and how to approach them from a biblical perspective. 

Sign up below to get more group information.

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