Preschool Leaders,

We are looking forward to a wonderful year in Preschool Ministry and are excited about the many ways God has grown our team and is preparing us to lead Preschoolers and their families. As Preschool leaders, your role is vital to the growth and health of our ministry to these little ones and their families. 

Please make plans to join us on Tuesday, August 9 for a time of training and equipping before our 2022-2023 Ministry Year kicks off. We trust that this will be a time of encouragement and engage us all in the vision of the ministry year before us. 

Childcare will be available to those families in which both/all parents are Preschool Leaders participating in the training event. 

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7700
Unfortunately, the form is not active at this time.
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Preschool Leaders,

We are looking forward to a wonderful year in Preschool Ministry and are excited about the many ways God has grown our team and is preparing us to lead Preschoolers and their families. As Preschool leaders, your role is vital to the growth and health of our ministry to these little ones and their families. 

Please make plans to join us on Tuesday, August 9 for a time of training and equipping before our 2022-2023 Ministry Year kicks off. We trust that this will be a time of encouragement and engage us all in the vision of the ministry year before us. 

Childcare will be available to those families in which both/all parents are Preschool Leaders participating in the training event. 

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