Engaged? Newly Married? Looking for other couples in the same season of life? Then we would love for you to check out our Newly/Nearly Married Group beginning August 15th at 10:35am in Room B-303. This group will be led by Jared and Mohana Shull. 

Each week, you'll have the opportunity to get to know people in a similar life stage as you spend time talking about practical marriage topics and how to approach them from a biblical perspective. 

Sign up below to get more group information, including details about the kick-off dinner coming later this summer.

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

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Engaged? Newly Married? Looking for other couples in the same season of life? Then we would love for you to check out our Newly/Nearly Married Group beginning August 15th at 10:35am in Room B-303. This group will be led by Jared and Mohana Shull. 

Each week, you\'ll have the opportunity to get to know people in a similar life stage as you spend time talking about practical marriage topics and how to approach them from a biblical perspective. 

Sign up below to get more group information, including details about the kick-off dinner coming later this summer.

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