BH girls, 

Our annual mother-daughter event will be a holiday brunch on December 10th! As we look forward to the holiday season, we are excited to welcome all 6th-12th grade girls and their moms (or any female role model!) to this event. Join us for a time of bonding, prayer, and continued investment in the unique relationships we have as women. This year is particularly exciting as we will hear from a well-known and well-loved mother-daughter duo: Phyliss Wright and Brittany Von Kanel. 

We'll have a great morning drinking coffee/tea, eating treats, playing games, and learning more about how God works through mother-daughter relationships. 

When: December 10th, 10-11:30AM
Where: Brook Hills 
Cost: $12 per person

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person


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BH girls, 

Our annual mother-daughter event will be a holiday brunch on December 10th! As we look forward to the holiday season, we are excited to welcome all 6th-12th grade girls and their moms (or any female role model!) to this event. Join us for a time of bonding, prayer, and continued investment in the unique relationships we have as women. This year is particularly exciting as we will hear from a well-known and well-loved mother-daughter duo: Phyliss Wright and Brittany Von Kanel. 

We\'ll have a great morning drinking coffee/tea, eating treats, playing games, and learning more about how God works through mother-daughter relationships. 

When: December 10th, 10-11:30AM
Where: Brook Hills 
Cost: $12 per person

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