If you have a student that recently finished 6th-8th grade, we would love to have them join us for Middle School Camp! This year's Middle School Camp is May 27th - May 31st at Covenant College on Lookout Mountain. During the week students will experience powerful worship with the band Hooten, enjoy teaching from speaker Landon Dowden, and have a blast during our late nights and rec activities together! 

Registration deadline is May 21st at midnight. The cancellation deadline is May 14th.

Camp cost: $425

Please note that there is a non-refundable and initial $55 charge. You may choose to pay the initial $55 charge and the remainder of your payment OR just the initial charge at the Register link below. 

To pay the remainder of your payment, please follow this link. Please do not pay the remainder of your payment before you have registered and payed the initial $55 charge. 

In order to participate in this event, you MUST complete a Medical Release Form and Consent Form ONLINE.

  • Medical Release FormOnce this form is completed, it will last for every event through the entire school year, until Aug 2025.
  • Consent Form: This is a one-time form that must be completed for any off-campus event.
  • YM360 Waiver and Release Form: This form must be completed for YM360. Please print this form, complete it by hand, and return the completed form to the Student Team. Alison Matthews is a notary and would be happy to notarize this form. Find her on a Sunday/Wednesday or email her at amatthews@brookhills.org to coordinate another time. 
  • Medicine Form (if needed)


If you are interested in possibly serving as a leader during Middle School Camp, please visit this link

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7746


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If you have a student that recently finished 6th-8th grade, we would love to have them join us for Middle School Camp! This year\'s Middle School Camp is May 27th - May 31st at Covenant College on Lookout Mountain. During the week students will experience powerful worship with the band Hooten, enjoy teaching from speaker Landon Dowden, and have a blast during our late nights and rec activities together! 

Registration deadline is May 21st at midnight. The cancellation deadline is May 14th.

Camp cost: $425

Please note that there is a non-refundable and initial $55 charge. You may choose to pay the initial $55 charge and the remainder of your payment OR just the initial charge at the Register link below. 

To pay the remainder of your payment, please follow this link. Please do not pay the remainder of your payment before you have registered and payed the initial $55 charge. 

In order to participate in this event, you MUST complete a Medical Release Form and Consent Form ONLINE.

  • Medical Release FormOnce this form is completed, it will last for every event through the entire school year, until Aug 2025.
  • Consent Form: This is a one-time form that must be completed for any off-campus event.
  • YM360 Waiver and Release Form: This form must be completed for YM360. Please print this form, complete it by hand, and return the completed form to the Student Team. Alison Matthews is a notary and would be happy to notarize this form. Find her on a Sunday/Wednesday or email her at amatthews@brookhills.org to coordinate another time. 
  • Medicine Form (if needed)


If you are interested in possibly serving as a leader during Middle School Camp, please visit this link

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