Join us as we wrap up our Women's Summer Study on Wednesday, July 21 from 10:00am-Noon in the Student Center Main Room.

Lauren Chandler, the author of With Us in the Wilderness, will be our guest by Zoom for both the morning and evening sessions. 

Those joining us for the morning session can order and pay for a boxed lunch at the registration link below. You are also welcome to bring your own lunch and join us for the morning session. Drinks will be provided.

Morning Session:

10:00 - Opening Prayer/Announcements

10:15 - Lauren Chandler joins us by Zoom

10:45 - Lauren Chandler Q&A

11:10 - Closing/Blessing/Break

11:15 - Box lunch at small group tables

11:45 - Prayer/Dismiss for childcare pickup


Evening Zoom Session:

7:00 - Opening Prayer/Announcements

7:15 - Lauren Chandler joins us by Zoom

8:00 - Lauren Chandler Q&A

8:30 - Prayer/Close Zoom session

Email Christina at for the evening session Zoom link.

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7715


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Join us as we wrap up our Women\'s Summer Study on Wednesday, July 21 from 10:00am-Noon in the Student Center Main Room.

Lauren Chandler, the author of With Us in the Wilderness, will be our guest by Zoom for both the morning and evening sessions. 

Those joining us for the morning session can order and pay for a boxed lunch at the registration link below. You are also welcome to bring your own lunch and join us for the morning session. Drinks will be provided.

Morning Session:

10:00 - Opening Prayer/Announcements

10:15 - Lauren Chandler joins us by Zoom

10:45 - Lauren Chandler Q&A

11:10 - Closing/Blessing/Break

11:15 - Box lunch at small group tables

11:45 - Prayer/Dismiss for childcare pickup


Evening Zoom Session:

7:00 - Opening Prayer/Announcements

7:15 - Lauren Chandler joins us by Zoom

8:00 - Lauren Chandler Q&A

8:30 - Prayer/Close Zoom session

Email Christina at for the evening session Zoom link.

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