How to Tell Your Story

Each of our lives is full of stories of how God saves us, transforms us, grows us, sustains us, guides us, and helps us. These stories are gifts not only reminding us of His faithfulness but also helping others see God's work in their own lives whenever we tell them. Whether or not you might call yourself a storyteller, everyone has amazing stories and can tell their stories amazingly well. In this Focus Study, we'll discuss the power of stories, identify the different types of stories we all have to tell, learn the essential ingredients that go into any story worth telling, and practice telling our own. This 3-week study, led by Chris Kinsley, will meet on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm beginning October 2 in C112. 

To register for this study and see others that we are offering this semester, click here.  

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7792
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How to Tell Your Story

Each of our lives is full of stories of how God saves us, transforms us, grows us, sustains us, guides us, and helps us. These stories are gifts not only reminding us of His faithfulness but also helping others see God\'s work in their own lives whenever we tell them. Whether or not you might call yourself a storyteller, everyone has amazing stories and can tell their stories amazingly well. In this Focus Study, we\'ll discuss the power of stories, identify the different types of stories we all have to tell, learn the essential ingredients that go into any story worth telling, and practice telling our own. This 3-week study, led by Chris Kinsley, will meet on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm beginning October 2 in C112. 

To register for this study and see others that we are offering this semester, click here.  

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