If you're wondering where you can find your friends Friday night November 1st and Saturday November 2nd, the answer is Guys Weekend 2024! We're so excited to have this time for our male students and their fathers / father figures to join us for an exciting time of worship, teaching, games, and much more. Friday night (7-9 pm) will just be for our students grades 6-12 for our first main session along with a time to hangout while enjoying a late-night snack. Fathers and father figures are encouraged to sign up and join their students on Saturday (10 am-3 pm) as we have some friendly competition, great food, theological and practical breakouts, and will wrap up our time with our final main session led by J.T. Turner. Please register below if you would like to join us! The price for this event is $30 per person. We hope to see you there!

Please contact Will Jones () or Eric Rosenberry () with any questions.

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7787


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If you\'re wondering where you can find your friends Friday night November 1st and Saturday November 2nd, the answer is Guys Weekend 2024! We\'re so excited to have this time for our male students and their fathers / father figures to join us for an exciting time of worship, teaching, games, and much more. Friday night (7-9 pm) will just be for our students grades 6-12 for our first main session along with a time to hangout while enjoying a late-night snack. Fathers and father figures are encouraged to sign up and join their students on Saturday (10 am-3 pm) as we have some friendly competition, great food, theological and practical breakouts, and will wrap up our time with our final main session led by J.T. Turner. Please register below if you would like to join us! The price for this event is $30 per person. We hope to see you there!

Please contact Will Jones () or Eric Rosenberry () with any questions.

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