On Sunday October 10th, we will have our next Guys Round Table! This event is designed for students grades 6-12 and their fathers to connect over an activity or theme with the hope of fostering deeper conversations and relationships. For this Round Table, we will be meeting at Civil Axe Throwing* in downtown Birmingham for two hours of incredible fun and fellowship while seeing who is the most accurate axeman. Registration costs $20 per person, and the event itself will last from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. We will be providing pizza and drinks at Civil Axe. Closed toe shoes are required!

*We will meet at Civil Axe Throwing
3004 4th Avenue S
Birmingham, AL 25233

Please be sure to fill out these forms before Guys Round Table:

Medical Release (If you have already filled this out this school year, you do NOT have to do this again.)
Minor Consent Form (This is event specific so every student WILL need to have this completed.) 
Adult Consent Form (For every adult 19+) 
Civil Axe Throwing waiver

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7777


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On Sunday October 10th, we will have our next Guys Round Table! This event is designed for students grades 6-12 and their fathers to connect over an activity or theme with the hope of fostering deeper conversations and relationships. For this Round Table, we will be meeting at Civil Axe Throwing* in downtown Birmingham for two hours of incredible fun and fellowship while seeing who is the most accurate axeman. Registration costs $20 per person, and the event itself will last from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. We will be providing pizza and drinks at Civil Axe. Closed toe shoes are required!

*We will meet at Civil Axe Throwing
3004 4th Avenue S
Birmingham, AL 25233

Please be sure to fill out these forms before Guys Round Table:

Medical Release (If you have already filled this out this school year, you do NOT have to do this again.)
Minor Consent Form (This is event specific so every student WILL need to have this completed.) 
Adult Consent Form (For every adult 19+) 
Civil Axe Throwing waiver

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