Do you want to grow in making disciples of all nations or be equipped by Brook Hills to be sent out to the nations? Join us for an interest meeting to get an overview of our Global Training Process that will begin this Spring.
These meetings will be Sunday, December 6th at 8 am and Wednesday, December 9th at 6:30 pm. Both meetings will be in Room C-122. Please feel free to attend either one that suits your schedule better. You do not need to attend both as they will cover the same information. 
  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7758
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Do you want to grow in making disciples of all nations or be equipped by Brook Hills to be sent out to the nations? Join us for an interest meeting to get an overview of our Global Training Process that will begin this Spring.
These meetings will be Sunday, December 6th at 8 am and Wednesday, December 9th at 6:30 pm. Both meetings will be in Room C-122. Please feel free to attend either one that suits your schedule better. You do not need to attend both as they will cover the same information. 
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