We hope you'll make plans to celebrate with us the glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ this Easter! We will be offering three identical on-campus gatherings at the times below, as well as livestream one of these gatherings.

On-Campus: 7:35am | 9:00am |10:35am
Livestream: 9:00am

Our Adult Small Groups and other Age-Group Ministries will not be meeting, with the exception of Preschool Ministry for birth-Kindergarten.

Learn more about our Good Friday gathering on March 29 here.

New to Brook Hills?

Everyone is welcome to join us at one of our Easter gatherings! We have special parking for guests in our North Parking Lot, and a Hospitality Team ready to answer any questions. Grab a cup of hot coffee on your way into the Worship Center, and be sure to stop by the Welcome Center before you leave for a free welcome gift. 

If you are bringing children with you, save time on Sunday morning by registering your family in our system here. If we can answer any questions, please let us know.

Download Social Media Invitations

Invite your friends and family to join you for one of our Easter gatherings! Save the images below and share them on your social media platforms.

  • Start Date

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We hope you\'ll make plans to celebrate with us the glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ this Easter! We will be offering three identical on-campus gatherings at the times below, as well as livestream one of these gatherings.

On-Campus: 7:35am | 9:00am |10:35am
Livestream: 9:00am

Our Adult Small Groups and other Age-Group Ministries will not be meeting, with the exception of Preschool Ministry for birth-Kindergarten.

Learn more about our Good Friday gathering on March 29 here.

New to Brook Hills?

Everyone is welcome to join us at one of our Easter gatherings! We have special parking for guests in our North Parking Lot, and a Hospitality Team ready to answer any questions. Grab a cup of hot coffee on your way into the Worship Center, and be sure to stop by the Welcome Center before you leave for a free welcome gift. 

If you are bringing children with you, save time on Sunday morning by registering your family in our system here. If we can answer any questions, please let us know.

Download Social Media Invitations

Invite your friends and family to join you for one of our Easter gatherings! Save the images below and share them on your social media platforms.

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