On Thursday, August 18, Baba Java Coffee will host a night for Brook Hills Singles 20s/30s. There will be discounted drinks, board games, and time to hang out together. If you're coming from work, feel free to bring your dinner with you and eat it there. We hope you'll join us!

If you're unfamiliar with Baba Java, it's a coffee shop in Hoover that's owned and operated by Nathan and Wendi Parvin who are Brook Hills members. The address is: 4730 Chace Cir.

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    ยท 205-313-7790
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On Thursday, August 18, Baba Java Coffee will host a night for Brook Hills Singles 20s/30s. There will be discounted drinks, board games, and time to hang out together. If you\'re coming from work, feel free to bring your dinner with you and eat it there. We hope you\'ll join us!

If you\'re unfamiliar with Baba Java, it\'s a coffee shop in Hoover that\'s owned and operated by Nathan and Wendi Parvin who are Brook Hills members. The address is: 4730 Chace Cir.

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