6:52pm - Greetings from The Church at Brook Hills where Secret Church #12 is underway. There are over 50,000 people gathered to study the Word, either in the room at Brook Hills or simulcasting in churches and in homes across the U.S. and in 20 other countries around the world. Our Global Team will be blogging this evening as we study the Word of God on the topic of "The Cross and Suffering".

This is pertinent to us tonight as millions of our brothers and sisters around the world are gathering in secret and faith in Christ is not only discouraged but actually dangerous. Tonight we will focus our prayer for the persecuted church in The Horn of Africa. We will blog more about this area later.

As we learn about suffering and pray for the persecuted, let us encourage you to visit prayforthehorn.com to learn more about this area of the world where suffering is a reality in ways we can only imagine and where 100 million people need to hear the gospel. Join us as we pray. Tell others about it. The more who hear, the more who pray. The more who pray, the more people will know Christ. May God be honored tonight in Birmingham and throughout the entire world.

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