This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for our salvation, for adopting us into His household, and for uniting us together in the church. Pray for unity among our faith family, especially during this season of being scattered from one another. Pray for God to lead us to the day on which we gather together again, and ask Him to grant us patience, perseverance, and grace in the meantime. Pray for God to continue to build us up together as a body of believers for our own growth in Jesus and so He might effectively use us to make disciples here in our city and around the world.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Awaken, a gospel-based recovery ministry dedicated to helping individuals and ministries navigate through the painful waters caused by sexual brokenness and addiction. One of the specific desires of Awaken is to establish relationships with local churches to help them better understand and respond to these issues within their local church. We are also praying for Grace Life Baptist Church and Pastor Joel Frederick.
Day 1: Because of the COVID-19 crisis, Awaken has moved all of their support meetings to an online format. Since making that shift, they have seen an almost 50% decrease in the number of men and women attending. Pray for these men and women to choose to stay engaged with their support community.
Day 2: Pray for those who have relapsed in their recovery to choose to connect rather than to isolate. Awaken’s message is that of God’s grace and restoration. They want those who have experienced failures and setbacks to move toward community and encouragement, not away from it.
Day 3: Pray for God to change the hearts of those who run PornHub, a U.S. company and one of the largest global distributors of pornography. Traffic on this site has increased by an estimated 10-15% since the COVID-19 crisis began. Pray they will ultimately be shut down and that their destructive impact on lives will end.
Day 4: Pray for Brook Hills members and Awaken founders, Greg and Stacey Oliver, as they experience the emotional impact of not being able to meet in person with people like normal. They thrive on connecting with people, and virtual formats, while helpful, aren’t the same as meeting in person.
Day 5: Pray for Greg and Stacey’s own marriage, personal purity, and commitment to follow Christ daily. Pray for the enemy to be restrained from his efforts to divide and distract them from the work they are called to do.
Day 6: Pray for Awaken’s financial partners. Though they have experienced minimal impact on their monthly giving, their current support is still short of what they need to fully operate. Pray for new donors to come alongside them in their work.
Pray for the World
This is the last week of Ramadan for 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. For this month Muslims all over the world have been abstaining from food, drink, and other pleasures during the day in order to try and remove their sin and draw closer to God. Brook Hills has strategically sent out workers and church planting teams to many Muslim people groups around the world for gospel engagement. Join us as we intercede on behalf of specific Muslim people groups and majority Muslim places around the world.
Day 1: Pray for God to reveal himself to many Malay Muslims this week during Ramadan in dreams and visions. Pray for God to help them see their need for a Savior and that Christ is the only one who can save.
Day 2: Pray for God to soften the hearts of Baloch men and women to the gospel and for Christ to be revealed leading them in the way of truth.
Day 3: Pray for the small pockets of believers who live in majority Muslim populations all over the world to have boldness, courage, and passion as they proclaim the good news of Christ to their Muslim friends and family this month.
Day 4: The largest population of Muslims in the world are in Indonesia. Pray for God to move among the Sunda people in Indonesia coming to Christ and for churches being planted throughout Indonesia.
Day 5: Pray for Somali Muslims living in the United States. Pray for God to provide opportunities for gospel conversations to take place this last week of Ramadan with believers who are engaging them.
Day 6: Pray for Turks and Kurds in Turkey during Ramadan. Pray for the message of salvation by grace and through faith in Christ alone might somehow be proclaimed to Turkish families this week.
Sunday Setlist