This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the gift of HIs Spirit. Pray for the Holy Spirit to continue to unite us together in fellowship as God’s local church here at Brook Hills and with our brothers and sisters around the world. Pray each of us would rely upon the Spirit’s power and gifting in our lives and use our gifts to glorify God, build one another up, and share the gospel with all who need to hear. Ask the Spirit to guide us as we strive to follow Christ wherever He might lead us, individually and corporately as a faith family.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for the ESL Rock the Block that will be hosted by our English as a Second Language Ministry on our campus tonight through Wednesday. At ESL Rock the Block, ESL families and other international families will have the opportunity to learn more about Jesus through gospel-centered games, songs, Bible stories, and crafts. We are also praying for the Birmingham Chinese Christian Church and Pastor John Chou.
Day 1: Pray for the volunteers to possess Spirit-empowered patience, wisdom, love, and joy in Christ.
Day 2: Ask the Lord to remove any barriers to the gospel and to destroy any spiritual arguments or idols that oppose Christ.
Day 3: Pray for many international children and their parents to hear and respond to the good news of Jesus, and for the
gospel to speed ahead without hindrance through families and social networks.
Day 4: Pray for our international guests to be met with warm and Christ-like hospitality, for many ESL families to participate, and for new relationships to be established.
Day 5: Pray for faithful follow-up conversations and next steps with any families who are interested in following Jesus.
Day 6: Pray, through ESL Rock the Block, for more international women to join our ESL Bible Study this summer and for more men and women to join our ESL program in the Fall.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for the Malay of Malaysia. The Malay are the majority people group of Malaysia. In Malaysia, people are classified as Malay by the federal constitution if they speak the national language (Bahasa Malay), practice Malay customs, and are followers of Islam. There are very few Malay believers. It is illegal to proselytize a Malay, and those that do become Christians are subject to harsh persecution. Join us as we pray for the Lord to use our church planting teams to make Christ known throughout Malaysia. We are also praying for our short-term team serving in Ecuador.
Day 1: Pray for the more than 7 million Malay in Peninsular Malaysia to have opportunities to hear the gospel. Pray for God to open the doors wide for the gospel to be heard in their language and for many to believe.
Day 2: Pray for God to reveal Himself to Malay men and women in ways that make them want to seek out the one true God. Pray for Malay men and women to come in contact with believers who will be faithful to share the gospel.
Day 3: To be Malay is to be Muslim. It is their culture and heritage. Pray for the Malay to be delivered from Satan’s lies which hold them so tightly to tradition.
Day 4: Pray for the Malay to understand that Jesus, the true Lamb, died as a substitutionary sacrifice for sin.
Day 5: Pray for members of our faith family who have moved to Malaysia to work and live and engage the lost with the gospel. Pray for God to give them success as they strive to integrate into and thrive in their new community.
Day 6: Pray for the Malay to realize they are unable to turn from sin on their own. Pray for God to save many Malay.
Sunday Setlist

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