This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for all of the many gifts He has given us to delight in. Ask God to develop within each of us a greater joy found in Him. Pray our happiness in God will serve to challenge the standards of happiness in our world and will point others to the ultimate delight that can be found in God alone.
Pray for the City
This week, we are praying for the International Friendship Partner Program, a community partnership through which Brook Hills members and others in the community can be paired with international students at local colleges and universities to extend hospitality and engage in a friendly cultural exchange. We are also praying for Iron City Church and Pastor Kameron Pugh.
DAY 1: Pray for all the international college students who desire to participate in the program this year to be warmly welcomed into the lives of American families.
DAY 2: Pray for Brook Hills members who participate in this program to faithfully demonstrate the love of Christ to their friendship partners. Pray for God to sovereignly orchestrate the matching of Brook Hills volunteers to the exact person He desires them to invest in this year.
DAY 3: Pray the international students who do not yet know Christ will be open to learning about Him through conversations about God’s Word.
DAY 4: Pray for much wisdom as Christians aim to honor the guidelines of this program while sharing their own culture, faith, and values with their friendship partner.
DAY 5: Pray for the local colleges and churches participating in the program to be mutually encouraged through this partnership for years to come.
DAY 6: Pray, as we seek to glorify God by making disciples of all nations, for God to bless the work of all who participate in the International Friendship Partner Program and for the gospel to multiply.
Pray for the World
This week, we are praying for Brook Hills field partners in northern India. Since 2009, The Church at Brook Hills has been strategically working with field partners to reach the thousands of unreached people groups living in urgent physical and spiritual need. Today we are seeing fruit across the northern plains of India and people are believing and churches are being planted. Join us as we pray for our field partners in India.
DAY 1: Praise God that hundreds of new churches have been established among unreached people groups in Northern India and new believers are being added daily.
DAY 2: Pray for our field partner, Jesse, as he disciples church leaders and pastors to share the gospel and make disciples. Pray for God to give our partners resolve to continue the work set out before them and the strength needed to press on.
DAY 3: The Indian government has been actively working to stop the spread of the gospel in Northern India. Many believers are experiencing significant persecution. Churches are being shut down, and many of our field partners have been kicked out of the country. Pray for God to turn the hearts of government leaders so that freedom of religion is a reality.
DAY 4: Pray for the small churches that have been established in homes across Northern India. Pray for the leaders to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to teach the Word of God. Pray for the message of the gospel to go forward and for God to use our field partners to equip and strengthen these local believers.
DAY 5: Pray for Jesse as he teaches the Word of God to those who are part of his pastoral training program. Pray for pastors to be equipped with the Word of God and to feel confident to proclaim it to those they are leading. Pray for God to use Jesse and his team to encourage leaders in this way.
DAY 6: Pray for Brook Hills short-term and mid-term teams who are serving with these field partners to be used by God to strengthen the long-term work in India. Pray for God to raise up a team from The Church at Brook Hills to plant their lives in Northern India.
Sunday Setlist
Glorious Day
Verse 1
I was buried beneath my shame
Who could carry that kind of weight
It was my tomb 'til I met You
Verse 2
I was breathing but not alive
All my failures I tried to hide
It was my tomb 'til I met You
('Cause when) You called my name (and)
I ran out of that grave
Out of the darkness into Your glorious day
You called my name (and) I ran out of that grave
Out of the darkness into Your glorious day
Verse 3
Now Your mercy has saved my soul
Now Your freedom is all that I know
The old made new Jesus when I met You
I needed rescue my sin was heavy
But chains break at the weight of Your glory
I needed shelter I was an orphan
Now You call me a citizen of Heaven
When I was broken You were my healing
Now Your love is the air that I'm breathing
I have a future my eyes are open
Saved My Soul
You my God have saved my soul
I am Yours forevermore
I won't be moved of this I'm sure
You are my God and You saved my soul
Verse 1
I was lost when you came for me
Held in chains by the enemy
But You broke them in victory
Now I'm free I am free
Verse 2
You’re my joy and You are my hope
I am saved by Your grace alone
I will sing of Your love for me
I am free I am free
Verse 3
Now I stand with the Kings of kings
He has paid for my every sin
And from now through eternity
I am free I am free
What once was dead is now alive
You gave to me the breath of life
You brought me up out from the grave
I'm bursting out with songs of praise
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
Verse 1
When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the Prince of glory died
My richest gain I count but loss
And pour contempt on all my pride
Verse 2
Forbid it Lord that I should boast
Save in the death of Christ my God
All the vain things that charm me most
I sacrifice them to His blood
Verse 3
See from His head His hands His feet
Sorrow and love flow mingled down
Did ever such love and sorrow meet
Or thorns compose so rich a crown
Verse 4
Were the whole realm of nature mine
That were an offering far too small
Love so amazing so divine
Demands my soul my life my all
Now Why This Fear
Verse 1
Now why this fear and unbelief
Has not the Father put to grief
His spotless Son for us
And will the righteous Judge of men
Condemn me for that debt of sin
Now canceled at the cross
Jesus all my trust is in Your blood
Jesus You've rescued us
Through Your great love
Verse 2
Complete atonement You have made
And by Your death have fully paid
The debt Your people owed
No wrath remains for us to face
We're sheltered by Your saving grace
And sprinkled with Your blood
How sweet the sound of saving grace
How sweet the sound of saving grace
Christ died for me
Verse 3
Be still my soul and know this peace
The merits of your great High Priest
Have bought your liberty
Rely then on His precious blood
Don't fear your banishment from God
Since Jesus sets you free

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