This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross, which made the way for us to be reconciled to Him. Confess and repent of your own sin in your life, and ask and thank God for His forgiveness. Thank God for the faith He grants us through His grace so we might be saved from our sins. Pray for God to continue to grow His church here at Brook Hills through our bold witness of Jesus Christ.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Alabama Baptist Children’s Home and Family Ministries. ABCH strives to protect, nurture, and restore children and families through Christ-centered services such as Family Care Homes for homeless mothers and their children, emergency shelter care for children, foster care training, professional counseling for families and children, camps and events for foster care families, and seminars on child and family issues. We are also praying for CrossPoint Church, Trussville, and Pastor Ryan Whitley.
DAY 1: Pray for God to grace ABCH with protection for their children and families and provide wisdom for their leadership team.
DAY 2: Pray for the completion and opening of the new Family Care home in Mobile, AL, which will serve displaced moms and their children, helping them get back to independence.
DAY 3: Pray for health and healing for the children born with opioid addictions due to parental drug use.
DAY 4: Pray for Pathways Professional Counseling therapists as they serve as vessels of the Holy Spirit, showing God’s grace and love while providing care and counseling to their clients at 43 locations. Pray they would seek the wisdom of God and not attempt to solve issues based on their own understanding.
DAY 5: Pray for the ABCH foster families to be filled with Christ’s love and patience, to discern spiritual warfare around them, to sow gospel threads through their conversations, and to work as a community to bear one another’s burdens.
DAY 6: Pray for the children in the care of ABCH and foster families as they hear and see the gospel that the seeds that are planted would find fertile soil, resulting in true faith development.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying specifically for our Brook Hills students as they are serving Short-Term in East Asia, working with and serving our East Asia Church Planting Team. They will have opportunities to engage an unreached people group in a unique way by living in their homes this week. Join us as we pray for our students and leaders who will be sharing the gospel and showing the gospel to families across East Asia.
DAY 1: Praise God for our Brook Hills Church Planting Team in East Asia. Thank the Father for all He has done to open up doors into the community so gospel witness can take place.
DAY 2: Our Brook Hills students are being hosted by families and living in homes as part of a cultural exchange program. Pray for God to allow incredible opportunities around dinner tables and in the day-to-day routines of these families to hear the gospel from the students who are staying with them.
DAY 3: Pray for the families that are hosting our students. Pray for God to soften hearts and for the gospel to fall on fertile soil.
DAY 4: Pray for the Holy Spirit to empower our students to be able to boldly and clearly communicate the gospel.
DAY 5: Pray for someone who is hosting our students this week to believe in Christ. Pray for a movement of God among the families that are hosting.
DAY 6: Pray for our students to be used to strengthen the Long-Term work of our Church Planting team and that many would choose to follow Christ.
Sunday Setlist
Verse 1
Come and stand before your maker
Full of wonder full of fear
Come behold his power and glory
Yet with confidence draw near
For the one who holds the heavens
And commands the stars above
Is the God who bends to bless us
With an unrelenting love
Come and lift your hands and raise your voice
He is worthy of all praise
Sing the mercies of your king
And with trembling rejoice
Verse 2
We are children of the promise
The beloved of the Lord
Won with everlasting kindness
Bought with sacrificial blood
Bringing reconciliation
To a world that longs to know
The affections of a father
Who will never let them go
Verse 3
All our sickness all our sorrows
Jesus carried up the hill
He has walked this path before us
He is walking with us still
Turning tragedy to triumph
Turning agony to praise
There is blessing in the battle
So take heart and stand amazed
When you cry to him he hears your voice
He will wipe away your tears
In the midst of suffering
He will help you sing
Praise the King
Verse 1
There's a reason why the curse of sin is broken
There's a reason why the darkness runs from light
There's a reason why we stand here now forgiven
Jesus is alive
Verse 2
There’s a reason why we are not overtaken
There’s a reason why we sing on through the night
There’s a reason why our hope remains eternal
Jesus is alive
Praise the King He is risen
Praise the King He's alive (yeah)
Praise the King death's defeated
Hallelujah He's alive (oh)
(Hallelujah He's alive)
Verse 3
There's a reason why our hearts can be courageous
There's a reason why the dead are made alive
There's a reason why we share His resurrection
Jesus is alive (oh He's alive)
The grave could not ignore it
When all of heaven's roaring
Hell where is your victory
Death where is your sting
The world could not ignore it
When all the saints are roaring
Hell where is your victory
Death where is your sting
Hallelujah He’s alive (oh)
Hallelujah He’s alive (oh)
Hallelujah He’s alive
Lamb of God
Verse 1
You came from heaven's throne
Acquainted with our sorrow
To trade the debt we owe
Your suff'ring for our freedom
The Lamb of God in my place
Your blood poured out my sin erased
It was my death You died I am raised to life
Hallelujah the Lamb of God
Verse 2
My name upon Your heart
My shame upon Your shoulders
The pow'r of sin undone
The cross for my salvation
There is no greater love
There is no greater love
The Savior lifted up
There is no greater love
It is Well With My Soul
Verse 1
When peace like a river
Attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot
Thou hast taught me to say
It is well
It is well with my soul
It is well with my soul
It is well
It is well with my soul
Verse 2
Tho' Satan should buffet
Tho' trials should come
Let this blest assurance control
That Christ hath regarded
My helpless estate
And hath shed His own blood
For my soul
Verse 3
My sin O the bliss
Of this glorious tho't
My sin not in part but the whole
Is nailed to the cross
And I bear it no more
Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord O my soul
Verse 4
And Lord haste the day
When the faith shall be sight
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll
The trump shall resound
And the Lord shall descend
Even so it is well
With my soul
Man of Sorrows (Hallelujah! He Has Saved Me)
Man of Sorrows! what a name
For the Son of God, who came
Ruined sinners to reclaim.
Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Guilty, vile, and helpless we
Spotless Lamb of God was He
“Full atonement!” can it be
Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Hallelujah, He has saved me
Sin and death shall reign no more
Christ has made a way for sinners
Hallelujah, what a Savior
Lifted up was He to die
“It is finished!” was His cry
Now in heav’n exalted high
Hallelujah! What a Savior!
When He comes, our glorious King
All His ransomed home to bring
Then anew His song we’ll sing
Hallelujah! What a Savior!

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