This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for His provision in our lives. Pray for us all to guard our hearts from greed and to strive to develop within each of us a spirit of gratitude and generosity. Ask God to help us all to gain a proper understanding from His Word about tithing, to avoid any sense of legalism, and to also obediently honor Him with our giving.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Abiding Hearts Ministry, a gospel-centered ministry led by Brook Hills members, Randy and Courtney Johnson. Abiding Hearts Ministry provides living assistance, home maintenance, and physical, spiritual, and psychological care to widows, while also providing an avenue for life-on-life discipleship. We’re also praying this week for 46th Street Baptist Church and Pastor Jamall Cunningham.
Day 1: Pray for God to be glorified as AHM staff and volunteers visit and care for widows in their time of need and distress.
Day 2: Pray for AHM staff and volunteers to abide in Jesus so that they may faithfully serve in the Spirit as His heart, hands, and feet.
Day 3: Pray for AHM to be a bright light of sincere faith, love, peace, and hope as they engage widows. Pray for God to give the AHM staff and volunteers the power to accomplish all the good things their faith prompts them to do.
Day 4: Pray for our faith family to have a heart for the ongoing care of widows. Pray for many members to see the value in investing their time and resources in supporting the work of AHM.
Day 5: Pray for God to work in the hearts of church members to see His love for widows and the joy found in caring for them.
Day 6: Pray for God to lead AHM to the widows that need them. Pray for Him to provide all they need to remain committed to loving and serving widows well.
Pray for the World
This week, we are praying for our Long-Termers, Caleb and Beth T. They serve in Southeast Asia with their children, River and Bri.
Day 1: Spiritual warfare is real and can be very intense. Please pray against spiritual attacks on teams in their area and for protection over families in their region. There has been much sickness, a tragic loss of workers–both in death and in suddenly leaving the field–and spiritual attacks within families and young children. Please pray for the power of Christ to dwell in the families and teams within this region.
Day 2: Praise God for the group of refugee men that are studying the Word once a week with Caleb. The group is starting to learn deeper theological truths. In January, they started the book of Romans and it has created many good conversations and questions. Please pray that God would continue to draw these men to Himself. Pray for Caleb as he meets with them. Two of the men in the refugee community have finally been confirmed to be sponsored for permanent placement after 10 years in the country. This is another two-year process. Pray that they can pour into them as much as possible during this time while they are waiting to be placed.
Day 3: Please pray for a local young woman who is studying the Word with Caleb and Beth. She constantly says that she is afraid to die and doesn’t know what will happen to her. They continue to share with her about God’s peace and assurance that comes with knowing Christ. Pray for a breakthrough in her life and that the Holy Spirit would reveal to her the love and power of Christ.
Day 4: Please pray for a young refugee mom who is studying the Word with them. She has been blinded for many years by the lies in her culture, tradition, and religion. Pray that Jesus would be revealed to her as the only way to Heaven and as the One who can set her free.
Day 5: Caleb and Beth’s team leaders have stepped down from leadership permanently. Pray for prayer and wisdom as a team as they try to decide who should step up to this role and take on this position long term.
Day 6: Pray for their family and for their marriage. Pray that God would save River and Bri and draw them to Himself. Pray that their marriage would be an example of how Christ loves the Church to those around them. Pray for them to hunger and thirst for God’s Word.

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