As part of our 2Strong Emphasis, City Ministries is hosting a special two-week workshop focusing on reaching your international neighbors, co-workers and friends with the Gospel. Join us on Wednesday nights, January 10th & 17th, to learn more about the cultures, religions, and what friendship looks like with the nations God is bringing to Birmingham. Over the two weeks we will take a look at the differences in hot and cold cultures, the best ways to begin spiritual coversations with internationals, how to navigate religious barriers to gospel conversations, the role of hospitality, and how to develop deep friendships with internationals. 

Space is limited. Please register using the link below.

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7777

This form is no longer available. It was closed for further submissions on 01/10/2024.

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As part of our 2Strong Emphasis, City Ministries is hosting a special two-week workshop focusing on reaching your international neighbors, co-workers and friends with the Gospel. Join us on Wednesday nights, January 10th & 17th, to learn more about the cultures, religions, and what friendship looks like with the nations God is bringing to Birmingham. Over the two weeks we will take a look at the differences in hot and cold cultures, the best ways to begin spiritual coversations with internationals, how to navigate religious barriers to gospel conversations, the role of hospitality, and how to develop deep friendships with internationals. 

Space is limited. Please register using the link below.

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This form is no longer available. It was closed for further submissions on 01/10/2024.

', )