All Young Couples, Singles 20s/30s, and Parents of Preschoolers are invited to join us for ice cream and a laser tag version of capture the flag at the church on Tuesday, June 20, at 7pm. Whether you're new or have been at Brook Hills for years, this is a great opportunity to hang out and meet other young adults in our faith family.

Once you arrive, those who want to play laser tag will be put onto teams, and the teams will compete against one another in shifts. We'll have LED lights and bunkers to hide behind as you compete with your team, so get ready to compete and have fun!

*Please wear close-toed shoes if you plan on playing laser tag.

We'll be using the North Parking Lot (closest to the Worship Room and the Commons) as our laser tag field, so please park in the Northwest Parking Lot that's between the main building and the Student Center. If it rains, we'll adapt and move the game inside.

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    ยท 205-313-7790
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All Young Couples, Singles 20s/30s, and Parents of Preschoolers are invited to join us for ice cream and a laser tag version of capture the flag at the church on Tuesday, June 20, at 7pm. Whether you\'re new or have been at Brook Hills for years, this is a great opportunity to hang out and meet other young adults in our faith family.

Once you arrive, those who want to play laser tag will be put onto teams, and the teams will compete against one another in shifts. We\'ll have LED lights and bunkers to hide behind as you compete with your team, so get ready to compete and have fun!

*Please wear close-toed shoes if you plan on playing laser tag.

We\'ll be using the North Parking Lot (closest to the Worship Room and the Commons) as our laser tag field, so please park in the Northwest Parking Lot that\'s between the main building and the Student Center. If it rains, we\'ll adapt and move the game inside.

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