Brook Hills is excited to announce that we will offically be an Angel Tree Church!

This is an opportunity for our body to minister to hurting families within our own geographical footprint. We are starting with gifts and a party in December, but our prayer is that as a church, we would continue to love on and support these families year-round.

Angel selection will be Sunday, November 7th after each service in the lobby.

Gifts are due back by Sunday, November 28th. Please return them UNWRAPPED to one of the trees in the lobby with the Angel attached.

If your small group is interested in being a Fellowship Family Small Group or if you are interested on serving as part of our Angel Tree Team, email Kathy at

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    ยท 205-577-1846
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Brook Hills is excited to announce that we will offically be an Angel Tree Church!

This is an opportunity for our body to minister to hurting families within our own geographical footprint. We are starting with gifts and a party in December, but our prayer is that as a church, we would continue to love on and support these families year-round.

Angel selection will be Sunday, November 7th after each service in the lobby.

Gifts are due back by Sunday, November 28th. Please return them UNWRAPPED to one of the trees in the lobby with the Angel attached.

If your small group is interested in being a Fellowship Family Small Group or if you are interested on serving as part of our Angel Tree Team, email Kathy at

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