This week we have a team serving in Cuba serving and strengthening the local church there. They have had a hiccup in travel. Let us pray for this team as they move forward and trust that the Lord has them right where He wants them.

From the team leader

Our team left at 5:45 AM (CST) from Birmingham, Alabama. Now it is 5:45 PM (exactly), and we are stranded, unsure of the exact time our flight leaves. We are tired from traveling and anxious to arrive at our destination.

We yearn for fellowship with the church and our hearts are longing to see old friends (and new friends). However, amidst all the uncertainties, one thing remains the same: God is the Sovereign One, and his hand remains on this trip. Whether it is in the airport, the hotel with vacationers or in the midst of a persecuted, yet faithful church, the gospel will go forth in power. Christ has died, Christ has risen and Christ is coming again for his bride, and in this we place our confidence.

All nations, tribes, tongues and peoples will one day sing the praise of the risen King. So, continue to pray for our team as many uncertainties remain, and praise the all-powerful one for his continued grace in each of our lives.
